100張照片的故事 One hundred photos, one hundred stories /1



100張照片的故事 One hundred photos, one hundred stories /1

婚禮是多數人生的必經階段,中式婚禮中 – 拜別父母也是很多新人最難忘的一刻.不同於西方人的外放,東方人的內斂含蓄不輕易對父母表達愛意,拜別父母成了兒女父母雙方表露感謝、思念、不捨的最佳時機.許多平時不會對爸媽講的話做的事,都在此刻流露無遺.

Wedding is the inevitable stage of most life. In Chinese weddings – goodbye to parents is also the most memorable moment for many couples. Different from the Westerners, the Asians do not easily express their love for their parents. It is the best time for them both to express their gratitude,and reluctance. Many things that I wouldn’t do to my parents’ words are now revealed at this moment.


This photo was taken in 2016. When the groom married and delivered the bouquet to the bride, I found the bride is such a sensible lady. When the matchmaker began the ceremony, the bride said that she thanked her father and mother for their whole life. Dad couldn’t help but cry, and he just kept silence for a very long time. The silence of that moment has kept me memorized until now.





