100張照片的故事 One hundred photos, one hundred stories /3


100張照片的故事 One hundred photos, one hundred stories /3

18年1月在南方莊園拍攝的這場戶外婚禮,是我非常愛的一場婚禮.這場婚禮有好多故事想要分享,不論是婚禮拍攝前的溝通、婚禮當天的拍攝,因為深深覺得這場婚禮像是我們和新人的一場成果發表,舉凡婚禮布置、"First Look 儀式安排"一直到婚禮送客合照,都有好多我們和新人一起用心所呈現出來的照片.最後能得到新娘的感謝,我們也默感榮幸.
  The outdoor wedding in South Garden in January 2018 is one of my favorite weddings. There are many stories in this wedding that I want to share. Because I deeply feel that this wedding is like an end of the year performance. For wedding arrangements, ceremonial arrangements, and wedding photo shoots, there are many photos that we and the newlywed couple show with their hearts. We are honored to be thankful by the bride.

這張"First Look"的照片是我們在拍攝前一週和新人建議安排在戶外證婚儀式前的空檔進行的拍攝,因為知道新娘喜歡美式婚禮所呈現的氛圍,因此建議新娘可以在證婚前拍攝"First Look"的儀式.
These photos were taken before the outdoor wedding that we suggested the newlywed couple to arrange this ceremony berfore their wedding. Because I know that the bride likes the atmosphere of western wedding, we recommended that the bride can shoot the“First Look” ceremony before the outdoor wedding.

"First Look"在西方儀式中是在證婚儀式前新郎和新娘第一次看到彼此的親密時刻.和中式儀式不同的地方在於我們中式的婚禮在儀式上新郎在結婚當天第一個時刻看到新娘多半是在婚禮闖關後進到新娘房交付捧花給新娘時.
"First Look"meaning A first look at a wedding is an intimate moment where the bride and groom see each other before the wedding ceremony. The difference from the Chinese ceremony is that in our Chinese wedding ceremony the first moment of the wedding day, the bridegroom sees that the bride is mostly in the bridal room after the wedding games to deliver the bouquet to the bride.

In order to kept mysterious, bride’s styling time should be staggered with the bridegroom ‘s. Photographers must pay attention to the timing of the shooting. Like most wedding ceremonies, there are too many details to record, so an experienced photographer is required to record every newlywed couple’s expected photos with ease.

South Garden is perfect wedding location, especially for the western wedding. We still remember that when the bride helped the groom to remove the blindfold, the groom was born with a sense of dramatic eyes and expressions, and the bride enjoyed the beautiful appearance in such a happy atmosphere.

Unimage also loves this kind of wedding photos. Simple two-person interaction filled with the most important love in the wedding. What is the meaning of getting married, I believed that marriage is about wanting to be with another person forever. As my mother said: Marriage is to become a family member.


